Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? Most of the time, YES; however, there are many instances where people miss opportunity because of their Degree. It is said that those with a college degree will make in excess of three times that of those with the lowest level of education. However, it absorbs exuberant amounts of time, costs a mere fortune, and leaves young folks with mountains of debt to start life with.

The average price for college can exceed $60,000 per year at major Universities. So, tuition continues to go up, and the success rate, or job availability is steadily declining. That is leaving the door wide open to explore other avenues.

“Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight

OK… let’s review this…

I can tell you as a “College Grad” with my Master’s Degree, the things I learned with my $75,000.00 education are not things I didn’t already know. Most of what is taught is common knowledge, until you get into specific fields. Almost half will tell you they didn’t learn a thing. Like me though, I started college at 35 years old. I already had a typical career working for the Government. College was a way to enhance my career.

I will also say, my degree although it helped my career, did not teach me one single thing about what I do for a living. I had to learn it by now over 10 years of experience. Not COLLEGE!! I have a 22 y/o Daughter who is in her final semester of college, and is fearful of not being able to land a job that can support her. That is a crying shame. So, Is College Worth It?

Clearly, College is only taking money from people and giving them a piece of paper. Look at past stories of athletes that were passed without effort in order to not affect the “Team”.

  • It is estimated that the average college student only studies 14 hours a week. That is about 2 hours a day. Compare that to our parents, who studied an average of 24 hours a week. That is a study done by professor Philip Babcock, and Mindy Marks. While many students never study.
  • That is Society changing for sure. Social media has an affect on how we study, as it absorbs more hours in a day than most of us sleep.
  • College students spend more time eating, shopping, and partying than studying. People are paying an exuberant amount of money to eat, shop, and party. Don’t you think?
  • There are many College Graduates that lack the simple skills such as figuring a budget, or calculating the costs of food. That is called Adult Illiteracy!
  • The United States is falling behind as College Graduates in the US test at or lower than High School Students in several other Countries. Is that what we are paying for? Really??
  • Colleges have joined the Political Mouth of the US.
  • Grade inflation also happens where those who actual fail, don’t fail at all. That “No Child Left Behind” mentality.

Where do we go?

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